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Eume Route
Distance: 7 km
Approx. time: 2h 30m
Difficulty: Low
1.- We enter the "Fragas do Eume" through one of the areas with the best accessibility. Accompanied by the musical symphony of the river Eume and the streams that flow into it, we pass through areas where life takes on thousands of different forms; each one of them an essential part of an ecosystem as fragile as it is persistent...
2.- When the path narrows we are approaching the monumental complex of "Caveiro", an obligatory visit.
3.- From "Caaveiro" we go down to meet at the bridge of Santa Cristina with the Eume river, the true axis of the Natural Park.
4.- On the way back we follow the course of the river along its left bank, surrounded by Alders, Willows,... which form a forest within the forest, creating a particularly fresh, shady and rich space on the river banks. We will contemplate how life flows in every drop that flows in the rapids, puddles and on the banks.
5.- At the mouth of the San Bartalomeu we find the mini hydroelectric power station of "O Parrote", an antechamber to the power station of "A Ventureira".

Caveiro Route
Echoes of an extraordinary history that took on singular importance in medieval times.
Distance: 7 km
Approx. time: 2h 30m
Difficulty: Medium
1.- We contemplate the parish church of Santiago de Capela (12th century) with a Romanesque floor plan in which the bell tower stands out, accessed from the outside by means of a stone staircase with a spiral shape inside and the atrium with a beautiful transept.
2.- Along the old medieval path we enter the lushness of the "Parque Natural das Fragas do Eume"; a space full of peace and serenity and above all a nature full of intense and rich life.
3.- We arrive at the medieval bridge and, after contemplating the spectacle formed by the Sesín river at the foot of the ruins of the mill, we approach the "Monasterio de Caaveiro" which for eleven centuries has been an unequalled viewpoint for the enjoyment of the "Fragas do Eume".
4.- We return via the "Casa del Casero", zigzagging up through the Fragas, where the light is always veiled by the branches of oak, chestnut and birch trees, ...., until we reach the road to the Power Station.
Distance: 7 km
Approx. time: 2h 30m
Difficulty: Medium
1.- We contemplate the parish church of Santiago de Capela (12th century) with a Romanesque floor plan in which the bell tower stands out, accessed from the outside by means of a stone staircase with a spiral shape inside and the atrium with a beautiful transept.
2.- Along the old medieval path we enter the lushness of the "Parque Natural das Fragas do Eume"; a space full of peace and serenity and above all a nature full of intense and rich life.
3.- We arrive at the medieval bridge and, after contemplating the spectacle formed by the Sesín river at the foot of the ruins of the mill, we approach the "Monasterio de Caaveiro" which for eleven centuries has been an unequalled viewpoint for the enjoyment of the "Fragas do Eume".
4.- We return via the "Casa del Casero", zigzagging up through the Fragas, where the light is always veiled by the branches of oak, chestnut and birch trees, ...., until we reach the road to the Power Station.